Monday, June 23

welfare prices

i'm disappointed this does not include an area code. i am very interested in trying to contact this person. very interested.

1 comment:

Hereward said...

Here's a few leads just for a start:

505-737-5701 - Hampton Inn, Taos, NM.

215-737-5701 - Knee and Elbow Pads, Business Opportunities Office, (Philly, I think. I also found a listing for Self-locking nuts!)

803-737-5701 - South Carolina Workers Compensation Commisioner George N. (I fuck with you not) Funderburk.

Check out his photo! So cute!

737-5701 - The McFadden School of Music. Extremely perfunctory Canadian website, no area code.

207-737-5701 - Kaddee Vitelli, Dresden, ME Conservation Commissioner

541-737-5701 - Micahel B. Ek, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Call him for furhter info on the OSU Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Model.

717-737-5701 - Panda Express, Camp Hill, PA.

"Teri L. Petrillo has been appointed the new compliance auditor for the sections of AIDS, Allergy, Cardiology, Digestive Diseases, Endocrinology, General Medicine, Geriatrics, Hematology, Infectious Diseases, YIMA and Dermatology. Teri has previously worked in the Cardiology department as the Assistant Administrator of Operations and for Patient Financial Services where she headed the Medicare Team. You can reach Teri at 737-5701 or at"

From the highly edifying 'Yale Medical Group Billing Compliance Alert Newsletter'.