boy: do you see that ad in the spandex place? "fran drescher and friend arrive at spandex world."
girl: huh. i thought that girl looked more like julia allison.
boy: if julia allison was half as hot as fran drescher, she'd be an interesting person!
honestly, though, i mean, is it just me? does she not look like some poor man's fran?
(and this is the last and only time i will post about my talentless hack of a coworker)
{UPDATE: ooooooooooor not. a coworker saw this and just im'ed me asking why i have to insult julia's looks. looking like fran drescher is a goddamned compliment, people! her "writing" makes me look like nabokov, on the other hand. fran also probably wouldn't be deathly offended by her neighbors having sex.)
No mention of this?
i would rather bang fran
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