i've decided to spend the last half-hourish of my day today not working, but rather fucking around with the tv show name mash-up generator whatever what a catchy name they've got here. here are the funniest. post your funniest in the comments! let's all make america a little less productive (see post below).
teenage mutant ninja guy
the king of criminal intent (this is actually a movie starring christopher walken)
the muppet dad
dance fatman
fantasy strokes (ok, so this one isn't a tv show per se)
scarecrow and people
married...with bear
diagnosis: comfort
my so-called men
dukes of miami
i dream of consequences (me too, my friend. me too)
everybody loves stooges
mama's men
csi: boss?
three's couple (i did that one time and it really, really wasn't what it was cracked up to be)
my mother the beaver
what i like about company
M*A*S*H you
doogie howser, hazzard
mystery science rider (hopefully starring nic cage and sam elliot)
the king of standing
return of the man from flipper
suddenly quest
diagnosis: ghost
space hulk (!!!!!!!! seriously, i would watch space hulk)
planet of the fatman (i have watched this, on discovery health)
the price is fire
judging theater
battlestar street
wheel of no deal
i love beaver
suddenly house
amazing incredible! (this is already on spike tv's "duty free television" segment)
you bet your anatomy
touched by house
BONUS FACT: i shit you not, one of the times i hit the "mash up" button it simply presented me with "family guy." commentary or coincidence? you be the judge!
Naked Wonder
In Living Television
Who Wants To Be A Beaver
Earth: Final Queens
Mad About Palms
Grounded for Men
You Bet Your Kangaroo
You Can't Do That on Peaks
Teenage Mutant Ninja Woodpecker (?!)
Wait Till Your Father Gets Life
What I Like About Strokes
i kept clicking hoping for married...with beaver ;_;
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