Wednesday, April 9

post-vacation thoughts

alex: i think i'd like to live on an island, some day. it seems like a nice life to have to ride on a boat every day!
me: well, i know just the place for you!


Hereward said...

Gotta love a place (replete with world class dump) called Great Kills. Not Okay Kills or Mediocre Kills, GREAT KILLS!

Also, HugueYES!

ally said...

as ross pointed out to me last night, there is also a rossville, so he should really stop disparaging the place.

Hereward said...

hitesfIsn't Rossville a dump, though? *Ducks*

Ross Noren said...

Clearly, in Staten Island, up is down, black is white, and cats are dogs. Dumps are palatial and relaxing places. So I think you should just go ahead and eat me.

ally said...


Hereward said...

This brings up the interesting question of what wine does one serve with a Ross? A Gigondas, perhaps, or maybe St Joseph?