Tuesday, March 4

yeah, i know i'm being an asshole lately

meowlkmus, originally uploaded by allyzay.

but i'm sorry, dudes, i'm in the middle of some pretty retarded bs at work and not only that but i'm in the middle of some pretty retarded bs at work while they are doing horrible ear-piercing construction 10 feet from my desk so like if i don't get back to you on the phone or i don't im you back (guys, sometimes when my status says "away: at a mtg with google" or "away: in a sales mtg" or "away: fuck you" i'm not just trying to discourage my mom from talking to me. i'm telling the truth. i ain't singling out any y'all 10 ppl who know who you are, it's just that i'm actually required by my boss to keep up the chat program at work to be accessible, otherwise i'd have it off), please don't take it personal. i'll be normal in a week. except for the deafness.

here's a picture of an adorable cat in the meanwhile.

ps lol brett favre, sayonara you beautiful bastard.

1 comment:

penix said...

your cat is mega cute