meowrson welles says: pies 'n' thighs is closing, and this time for real and not for just a week or two. there's a closing party tomorrow at 8, though that actually seems like a really depressing way to spend a wednesday. the owners hope to reopen nearby in a larger space, instead of constantly worrying about getting their closet fryer shut down by the man. the downside of this new space idea, which is fantastic in every other way, is that you will no longer be able to eat your chicken biscuit and drink your pbr while smoking at the same time. the biggest upside, however, is that you will be able to eat your chicken biscuit and drink your pbr without being bothered by the "bands" they book at rockstar! though i'm sure i'll find someone else within my vicinity to be annoyed by, band or not.
honestly, i'm crushed by this news because i haven't been there enough times. i would love to eat some of their mac 'n' cheese right now. but the world is deprived another place that was awesome--so goes the story of new york city.
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